Friday, July 29, 2011

berat badan

kalau lah kurus 
mesti semua orang sayang
kalau lah kurus
mesti ramai orang tertarik
kalau lah kurus
boleh pakai baju lawa lawa
kalau lah kurus
pakai apa pun cantik
kalau lah kurus
pakai skirt tak comel pun orang puji
kalau lah kurus
tak perlu susah susah cari butik XXXXL
kalau lah kurus
tak pandang pada diet semata
kalau lah kurus
boleh masuk lumba lari 400m
kalau lah kurus
macam macam boleh dibuat.


tapi kalau semua orang kurus, siapa akan jadi yang gemuk? 

kalau lah kurus :'(
Rintihan hati si gemuk yang cemburu melihat si kurus memakai jacket.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wordless #1.

Ai Lev Yu. Wo Ai Ni. 


Aku punya manja kau saja boleh rasa. Aku lagi kenal dia. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011


mood: baru lepas tengok blog orang lain. 

blogger yang sangat lawa dan super duper model. then, i noticed blog pakwe dia pulak. i am really atracted to how she and her boyfriend communicated through blog. HAHA sangat comel. meluahkan perasaan di blog, and if the bf read it, he will reply through his blog pulak by writing entry and touchy touchy habis.
si makwe dan si pakwe . HAHA, sort of having a fantasy on my love-to-be ;D

but sometimes, i wonder, when is my turn. berbalas balas entry di blog. mesti comel, kan! hehe. 
*mengelamun aje

macam ni, boleh? HEHE


Friday, July 8, 2011


home sweet home
after 9 and half hours journey
i'm home
safe and happily:)

no words best describe home
no presents as exclusive as the parent's love
i'm gonna miss those precious items in my life later

Allah knows how hurt to say goodbye
but still He knows better
Rindu dan kasih saya diuji
aja aja fighting, khai!

until the last of my life
i will still fight for my parents
with Allah's willing.

p/s: these few days, i had learnt many about friends and how life should be faced. i love the way they love me. now i realize what 'second family' meant. susah payah mereka, i'll not forget till the end of my life. Allah'll pay all of you with the greatest reward. Insyallah :)


i'll wait here
for seconds and minutes
for days and months
even for years and decades
and for the rest of my life
i'll still standing here
waiting for you

if you are the ladybird
i'll be the flower of course :)